Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Casetas, Corridas y Concertos!

¡Hola Maj@s!

It looks as if these updates are going to be weekly, or at least at this rate!

Where as last week was all about adjusting to the ¨horario¨ (schedule), this week has been all about testing tapas (our favorite a variation of a Wayside breakfast sandwich--eggs and chorizo on a toasted piece of bread), and admiring tapestries.

We have spent the past two weekends exploring the neighboring pueblos. Last weekend we woke up at 8 (with a great amount of difficulty might I add) for a two hour drive to Segovia. There we did a great deal of scrambling--up the tiny spiral staircase to the top of a midevil castle, and along an ancient Roman aquaduct that used to bring water to Segovians thousands of years ago. This past Saturday we visited Madrid and checked out the works of Valazquez, Dali, and Picasso (the Guernica in particular--look it up on google if you get the chance)and Sunday barely made it to the bus for a visit to El Escorial, another giant palace complete with the tombs of every royal person ever to set foot in Spain.

As for feature travels, next week we´re heading to Toledo and the following to the playas in the North. Even farther ahead in the future,during our long weekend in October I am traveling to Switzerland with five of my friends for montañas and chocolate in the Alps!

On another note, The Fiesta de Salamanca, as well as the wonderful sunny 70 degree weather, ended on Saturday night with an 80´s pop concert by Nacha Pop in the plaza. The entire plaza was packed and we joined in the cheers of ÖTRA¨ (aka encore) along with the thousands of other people packed debajo del reloj! One of the most exciting parts of the fiesta would have had to be the Corrida we saw on Thursday afternoon. As one would expect, the bullfight was pretty disturbing(there were only four out of 27 of us left at the end of the fight) but the tradition surrounding the toros and the toreros makes it a must see for anyone who cares to visit me in Spain!

I´ve got 10 min to make it across the city to the Colby Center for bookgroup so I better run! Hopefully all is well in your respective worlds!

Besos y Embrasos,

p.s. I just gave a Spanish tourist directions to the cathedral! I don´t know which is more exciting--my ability to give them at all, or my ability to do so in Spanish!

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